Quo vadis ars?

The situation in the cultural sector has been described and discussed in numerous interviews, corona diaries, comments and reports in the past few weeks. Our annotated collection of currently 193 sources gathers voices from different sectors and media. This creates a picture of the cultural landscape in crisis, whose temporal transformation can be explored interactively via a dedicated tag cloud.


Wie Autorinnen und Autoren in der Corona-Krise geholfen wird . Rettungspaket »Neustart Kultur«
How authors are getting help in the Corona crisis . Rescue package »Neustart Kultur«

by Anne Sailer (24 Aug 2020)
Original source: mdr Kultur

Within the framework of "Neustart Kultur" [Restart Culture], authors are also to be supported in three subprograms. The aim of the programs is to generate public attention in order to boost sales. In addition to an internet platform on which 100 authors can present themselves and receive €500 each for their contribution, there is also the program "Thousand Literary Reencounters". Here the authors receive 1000€ each. In the third line of funding, interactive programs for children and young people are supported.
The German Literature Fu nd was commissioned by the German Federal Cultural Minister of State  Monika Grütters, to distribute the money. This means that the association is faced with a very special task, since its task is more to promote aesthetically demanding literature that has few chances on the market.
One author whose film can already be viewed on the Literature Fund website is Daniela Danz. She applied for the first subprogram with a sketch of her ideas. Now she can be watched walking through the grass in rubber boots and reading the opening poem of her new poetry collection. Even though everything appears very relaxed in the video, it took her many attempts until the timing was right. Even if the offer seems very low-threshold, the technical realization is still a challenge. The German Literature Fund received far more project proposals than there is money for. But even for those authors who are allowed to present themselves in a video, the program is only a drop in the ocean. What would really help is a return to normality, with real readings in front of an attentive audience.

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tag Autorenförderung Neustart Kultur Deutscher Literaturfonds Monika Grütters Daniela Danz
Literature/ Text Bericht

»Auch Kunst ist systemrelevant« . Kultur in der Corona-Krise
»Art is also a systemically relevant« . Culture during Corona crisis

by Katharina von Tschurtschenthaler (13 Aug 2020)
Original source: tagesschau

Since 6 weeks the Hamburg Tivoli-Theater at the Reeperbahn is playing again. However, a lot of things are different than in pre-Corona times. Every house has to present its own hygiene concept and needs to have it approved. At the Tivoli, currently only 250 instead of 630 tickets per performance can be sold. But in contrast to the successful Hamburg musicals, which are still unable to perform, at least the operation is secured here. Support from Hamburg's cultural authority makes it possible for the Tivoli to make ends meet despite the lack of income. Nevertheless, t heatre boss Corny Littmann is disappointed that the importance of culture in Corona times has not really been discussed. The focus was on Lufthansa and daycare centres.
The team is happy to be able to perform again. Singers are doing admission controls or take over the moderation of the evening. After four months without engagement every job is accepted. But what is still missing is interaction with the audience. They are happy that they can attend cultural events again.

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tag Tivoli-Theater Hygieneregeln Bilanz Kulturförderung Hamburg Musical
Performing Arts/ Cinema Bericht

Die Buchbranche leidet und macht Verluste . Ein Virus namens Angst greift um sich
The book industry suffers and makes losses . A virus called anxiety is spreading

by Paul Jandl (17 Jul 2020)
Original source: Neue Züricher Zeitung

Even before the crisis, things did not look bright in the book industry. In recent years, the number of people who regularly buy a book has fallen steadily. The Corona crisis, during which many switched to other media and Amazon preferred to deliver toilet paper instead of books, reinforced this trend. At the end of May, the industry recorded a loss of 17.5 percent compared to the previous year. And so many publishers are reacting with a cost-cutting programme.
Just how hard the industry is struggling with its reinvention was shown by the squabbles surrounding the Frankfurt Book Fair in October. Many publishing companies have since cancelled their participation after the people in charge decided very early on to hold the Fair with an alternative concept. In Frankfurt, for example, people are now thinking about transforming the industry meeting into a creative festival where, besides literature, music, pop and gaming are also present. At the moment it is to be feared that anxiety is causing much more damage in the industry than the virus.

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tag Buchbranche Buchmesse Neustart Kultur Umsatzeinbruch zweiter Frühling
Literature/ Text Bericht

Die Maske ist hinnehmbar . Dreharbeiten in der Pandemie
The mask is tolerable . Filming during the pandemic

by Jörg Seewald (16 Jul 2020)
Original source: Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung

The corona requirements confront the film industry with great challenges, but also lead to more concentrated work. The actors are grateful that they are allowed to work again - even if the rehearsals with masks are a challenge. A point of contention regarding payment is currently the quarantine days before shooting, which are rarely paid for the actors. A lot has changed on the film set itself. The most important man is now the hygiene officer. He is familiar with the applicable rules, advises on the implementation of the script and decides who is to be tested and which measures are appropriate. As the assessments of the situation change weekly, this task requires flexibility and tact, as the hygiene requirements also result in high costs. In the case of cinema films, these can amount to up to 150,000 euros.

There is currently still a rescue fund available for the cancellation or abandonment of shooting, which is to be replaced by the Federal Government's  »Neustart Kultur« [Restart Culture] programme. However, this only provides support for cinema film productions and high-quality series productions. Accordingly, broadcasters and production companies must bear the risks for TV productions themselves.


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tag Film Dreharbeiten Hygieneregeln Quarantäne-Tage ARD Neustart Kultur Ausfallfonds
Performing Arts/ Cinema Bericht

Lieber Maler, male mir! . Diskussion über Kunst in Coronakrise
Dear painter, paint for me! . Discussion on art during Corona crisis

by Ingo Arend (08 Jul 2020)
Original source: TAZ

Under the title »Painting by Numbers - Art in the Corona Crisis«, the Green Party in the German Bundestag invited to a discussion about a group that currently plays hardly any role in the public discourse about the Cornona Crisis: the visual artists. At the moment, there is great concern that the money from the economic stimulus package will flow into the support of museums and cultural institutions, but that the artists themselves will go away empty-handed.
The author Ingo Arndt is somewhat irritated by the fact that in the discussion about possible s olutions to the precarious situation of  artists, the idea of a New Deal, which Hans Ulrich Obrist brought up in April, has not been taken up. A large-scale acquisition project for museums and public institutions launched by the German government could offer a way out of the crisis by commissioning visual artists.


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tag Grundeinkommen Neustart Kultur Konjunkturpaket Die Grünen Lobby New Deal Erhard GrundlHans Ulrich Obrist
Visual Arts/Design Bericht

Kommunen, Verbände, Künstler - der »Kulturpolitische Salon« im DLF Kultur diskutiert verschiedene Sichtweisen auf das Kulturpaket. Fazit: Die langfristigen Folgen der Krise sind noch nicht absehbar. . Kann das Milliardenpaket des Bundes die Kultur retten?
Leaving the Corona crisis behind with a . Can the federal government's billion-euro package save culture?

by Skadi Jennicke, Ulrich Khuon, Dagmar Schmidt, Wolfgang Schmidt, Olaf Zimmermann, Hans Dieter Heimendahl (12 Jun 2020)
Original source: Deutschlandfunk Kultur

As part of the economic stimulus package, the German Federal Government has provided one billion euros for the protection of the infrastructure in the cultural and creative industries with its "Restart Culture" programme. In the new format of Deutschlandfunk, the "Cultural Policy Salon", representatives from various sectors are discussing about the significance of the government's cultural package in the current situation and how the exit strategy from the crisis could look like for the sector. The participants agree that the economic stimulus pac kage is an important signal for the sector, but it is still seen as a form of emergency aid. The crisis is far from over, many cultural institutions are still in test mode. As the municipalities and institutions are still reacting to the crisis, they hope for some deceleration, so that there is again time for a reflective approach to the demands of the new everyday life.

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tag Konjunkturpaket Neustart Kultur Kulturförderung Bundesregierung Verbände Kommunen
All sections Diskussion

War’s das mit dem Wumms? . Aktionsplan und Stellungnahme des Netzwerk Autorenrechte (NAR) zum Konjunkturpaket „NEUSTART KULTUR“
That's it with the oomph? . Action plan and statement of the Network of Authors' Rights (NAR) on the economic stimulus package "NEW START CULTURE"

by Netzwerk Autorenrechte (05 Jun 2020)
Original source: Netzwerk Autorenrechte

The economic stimulus package passed by the federal government provides hardly any subsidies for the book sector. The Network of Authors' Rights (NAR) is calling for improvements in this respect so that authors and translators are not pushed into social welfare (Hartz IV). Various funding possibilities are outlined and the importance of literature not only as a source of knowledge and education, but also as an economic factor is pointed out.

tag Buchbranche Konjunkturpaket Hartz IV
Literature/ Text Statement

Kultur-Sofortprogramm: »Das reicht nicht aus«
Immediate Action Program for Culture: »This is not sufficient«

by Olaf Zimmermann, Jürgen Deppe (25 May 2020)
Original source: NDR Kultur

For small and medium-sized cultural institutions, the resumption of their program in compliance with the rules of hygiene entails expenditures. For this purpose, support can be applied for from the "Neustart" emergency program launched by the federal Ministers of State for Cultur, Monika Grütters. Last week, Grütters announced that the originally budgeted funds had to be doubled because of the high demand. Olaf Zimmermann welcomes this initiative of the Ministers of State for Culture and the gradual return to normality in the cultural sector, but also points out in an interview with the NRD that this program is not sufficient. On the one hand, it merely involves reallocated funds from the State Minister of Culture's budget that are currently not needed elsewhere, but on the other hand it also requires a specific culture pool to support the industry. Here he sees the federal government as having a duty. In the individual German states, the freelance artists have received support in very different ways, but this support will expire at the end of June. Here it is urgently required to think about new concepts, because the crisis is far from over for the cultural sector.

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tag Kulturförderung Monika Grütters Neustart Kultur
All sections Interview



The signet of facing arts joining the faces of STORM.

Facing arts is a non-profi project. Feel free to support it and get in touch with us!

The Team

Facing arts is a projet by STORM.

STORM is an acronym playing with the initials by Miriam Seidler & Tim Otto Roth, who are hit both by the Corona crisis. Dr. Miriam Seidler is a scholar in German literature and currently works as specialist in public relations. Dr. Tim Otto Roth is a scholar in art and science history and works as a conceptual artist and composer. He is known for his huge projects in public space, cooperations with leading scientific institutions and his immersive sound and light installations. Miriam and Tim collaborate regularly for years. With facing arts they reaslize their first common art project.
You find more informatin on both initiators on www.miriamseidler.de and www.imachination.net.

Special thanks to Paco Croket for the tag cloud programming!

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